- Germany, Berlin
- Born in:1991
- Assistant since:2011
- Driving licence:Car
- Personal car:no personal car
- Passport:yes
- Languages:English, German
- Telephone: +49 151 432 09 246
- instagram.com/giuliadaley
- giuliadaley@gmail.com
Photo Assistant, Digital Tech
Giulia Daley
People, Portrait, Architecture, Fashion, Beauty, Reportage, Prod. Assistant, Stillife, Food, Transportation, International Exp.
Know How:
Problem solver, dog enthusiast, has no problems getting up early.
Available wherever. BahnCard50. Regularly in Berlin, Hamburg and Frankfurt.
Lichtsysteme/Lighting Systems:
-alle gängigen Blitzsysteme/all the usual
lighting systems
-Dauerlicht/continuous light
-Adobe Suite
-Capture One
Eigenes Equipment/Own equipment:
-Canon 5d Mk 3
-div. Objektive / dif. lenses
-MacbookPro M1 Max
-Führerschein/Drivers Licence
-BahnCard 50/Discount Train Card for Germany
References as assistant / Career
-Dipl. Kommunikationsdesign h_da Darmststadt
-seit 2011 freiberufliche Fotografin und Fotoassistentin
-studied Design and Photography in Germany
-working as a freelance photographer and assistant
since 2011
Andreas Chudowski, Photo Assistant, more than 1 year
Jesco Denzel, Photo Assistant, more than 5 jobs
Dominik Butzmann, Photo Assistant, more than 5 jobs
Ingmar Kurth, Photo Assistant, more than 5 jobs
Julia Von Der Heide, Photo Assistant, more than 5 jobs
Debora Mittelstaedt, Photo Assistant, 1-5 jobs
Markus Bassler, Photo Assistant, more than 5 jobs
Matthias Ziegler, Photo Assistant, 1-5 jobs
Julia Sellmann, Photo Assistant, more than 1 year